Rico Handjaja is a life coach and meditator with a holistic approach to coaching. He believes that peak performance is a combination of mental, physical, and emotional well-being. His teachings emphasize self-awareness and authentic leadership. Empathy and mindfulness are also key components of his philosophy. These qualities allow leaders to foster genuine connections and make conscious decisions that align with their true values.


Rico Handjaja’s coaching philosophy is grounded in the understanding that leadership is not confined to organizational hierarchies. He believes that leadership starts with oneself, and it’s about fostering growth—personally and professionally.

The self-aware leader is in tune with their own inner world of thoughts, emotions, strengths and weaknesses, as well as their values and intentions. This awareness allows them to make conscious decisions that resonate with their true selves and foster authenticity.

However, self-awareness is not the same as being self-absorbed, which is a sure path to egotistical behavior and selfishness. Practicing mindfulness, which is a foundational practice of spiritual life coaching, can help individuals become more aware of their automatic responses and behavioral patterns. Then they can consciously choose how to respond in a more constructive manner.


Rico Handjaja’s coaching philosophy emphasizes the importance of empathy in effective leadership. Empathy fosters a strong connection between coach and client, encouraging collaboration and trust. It also encourages clients to explore their thoughts and emotions, promoting self-discovery and personal growth.

Life coaches use empathy to understand their clients’ perspectives, challenges, and aspirations, enabling them to provide personalized guidance. It requires active listening, observing body language, and suspending one’s own judgments.

In addition, empathetic coaches create an emotionally supportive space for their clients, empowering them to overcome challenges with resilience and achieve transformative change. By validating their feelings and experiences, coaches help them find clarity, identify limiting patterns, and unlock their potential. In turn, this catalyzes their own growth and development.


Mindfulness is a mental state that allows you to become fully aware of your experience. It requires focus and concentration to be practiced, but the benefits are worth it. It is a foundational skill for thriving in every season because it reduces stress and increases resilience.

Rico Handjaja is a life coach who helps people reach their peak potential. He uses mindfulness to guide his clients through difficult situations. He also encourages his clients to practice mindfulness techniques, such as meditation and breathing exercises.

Try a simple exercise: Inhale through your nose for a count of 4, then exhale through your mouth for a count of 8. Repeat this cycle 8 times. This breathing technique is a great way to practice mindfulness. This breath will calm your nervous system, allowing you to focus on the moment at hand.


Authenticity in life coaching is an essential element for fostering growth and developing a strong coach-client relationship. By being genuine and transparent, coaches create a safe space for clients to explore their true selves. They encourage clients to engage in self-reflection and question their limiting beliefs, helping them build a better understanding of their personal strengths and values.

Authenticity also empowers individuals to align their actions with their core values and believes, which can lead to greater sense of fulfillment and meaning in their lives. It is important for coaches to practice authenticity themselves so they can model this behavior to their clients. It is also crucial for coaches to establish clear boundaries from the beginning of the coaching process. This will help ensure that the coaching environment is safe and respectful for both parties.